
My little deaf life
A deaf girl’s film library
Cette image a un attribut alt vide ; le nom du fichier est chef-nilsa-copie.jpg
Cette image a un attribut alt vide ; le nom du fichier est telechargement-copie.png
Cette image a un attribut alt vide ; le nom du fichier est writing-copie.jpg
Writing stuff

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The Never Ending Story: Facing your life through art?

I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a long time about this film and the book which are very dear to me. I am from the generation that grew up with Harry Potter and yet it is not his novels that I am going to talk to you about but Michael Ende’s The Never…

Balance and Deafness

Hello dear readers, I realize that I haven’t been very productive lately.I have some health problems but it should end soon, fingers crossed. A week or so ago I started feeling dizzy. My head is constantly spinning which forced me to be bedridden. It was difficult for me to write until then because of the…

Ethereal Stories: The Red Boots

I saw a single shoe on a sidewalk. Why does a single shoe end up on the sidewalk? Shoes can be worn in pairs, right? However, it is always a single shoe that we see. Is there a one-legged conspiracy or a Cinderella phenomenon that makes people lose a shoe and say “ha, too bad!”…

Potato chips without frying

Today a simple recipe for an aperitif with friends. Potato chips without frying. Ingredients : Realisation : And there you have it, all you have to do is taste.

Brookie recipe

Today is the birthday of my cousin Alice and her brother, fraternal twins. One likes cookies (that’s probably why we’re so close!) the other prefers brownies) so of course their birthday cake is brookie! — But what is brookie Nilsa?— Simply the brilliant invention of mixing the cookie and the brownie!— Is it a brownie with cookie pieces…

Delta Force: Hawk Ops, finally a good Battlefield?

Between two bosses on Diablo IV or Two constructions on Minecraft with friends (Help, this game is sucking my soul) I sometimes play FPS, even if I’m not a very gifted player, especially Counter Strike and Valorant at the moment but I have also played Battlefield 3 and 4 quite a bit.Battlefield… it’s been a…


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